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tv   The FOX Report With Shepard Smith  FOX News  March 1, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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>> bret: finally tonight, if a movie doesn't win at the oscars, sometimes marketers try to repackage
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it for new audiences. well, i guess that might now be happening with the oscar-nominated movie zero dark 30. >> maya was a work aalcoholic career girl who couldn't find the man of her dreams. [ laughter ] >> never find him. >> but she never gave up hope ♪ i need love, love. >> that he was out there. even if he played hard to get. >> called six different pay phones from two different cities, never using the same phone twice. >> nothing could stop her from nabbing the one man she has been searching for. this on dvd and blue ray. sometimes it's good to be a little bit abbott toe bad. sparks fly march 19th. >> aboto bad. that is it for this "special report," fair, balanced and unafraid. make it a great weekend.
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>> shepard: this is the fox report. tonight, the budget cuts that the president calls dumb or arbitrary are about to take effect. what does that really mean for all of us? plus, buried alive. a man tries to save his brother after a sink hole swallows his bedroom. >> i ran in there. i heard somebody screaming and my brother screaming i ran in there and all i could see was this hole swallowed his bed and dresser. everything was gone. ain't nothing in his room no more. >> shepard: tonight, the sink hole beneath the house. former basketball super star and current attention getter dennis rodman leaving north korea. nothing but praise for the dictator. >> he is an awesome kid. is he an awesome guy. >> shepard: perhaps for the whole starving his people thing. tonight rodman's strange
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trip into the hermit kingdom. plus, we have seen it in egypt. [chanting] >> and in greece. even grandmothers have done it. it's this harlem shake on a plane that's caused big trouble and thought feds are getting involved. but, first from fox this friday night. the president says it will not be an apocalypse but it is going to hurt. president obama is about to sign off on spending cuts that almost every one in washington agrees were never supposed to happen. after our leaders failed in every way to find out a way, a way out, i should say, of this latest crisis they created. the president met with the house and senate leaders at the white house today just hours before their self-imposed deadline. how did that go? >> they decided to protect special interest tax breaks for the well-off and well-connected they think that's apparently more important than protecting
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our military or middle class families from the pain of these cuts. >> the president got his tax hikes on january 1st: this discussion about revenue, in my view is over. it's about taking on the spending problem here in washington. >> shepard: in other words, no deal, no way, no how. and now hundreds of thousands of pentagon staffers and other government workers could pay the price. the feds have warned they may have to cut back on border patrol agents. air traffic controllers. food safety inspectors. and federal prosecutors. ed henry on fox top story. is he live for us tonight. the president has called these cuts dumb. everyone in washington seems to agree that that word fits, well, in a lot of places. >> it does and yet it's still moving forward. what's interesting is just three days ago the president was out on the road saying that he wasn't going to play the blame game he just wanted to find a solution here and yet he and the republican leaders waited until today, the
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actual decision day to come together on a meeting that as you said really went nowhere. and then after saying he wouldn't play the blame game the president came out today, had a quick news conference and basically blamed republicans and also insisted this is basically not his responsibility. take a listen. >> this idea that somehow there is a secret formula or secret sauce to get speaker boehner or mitch mcconnell to say, you know what, mr. president, you are right, we should close some tax loopholes for the well off and well-connected in exchange for some serious entitlement reform and spending cuts and programs we don't need. you know, i think if there was a secret way to do that, i would have tried it. >> no secret sauce the president also saying there was no jedi mind meld between he and republican leaders. he kind of mixed things up. the white house having a little fun of with that tonight the fact that he
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mixed up star wars and star trek with the volume kin mind meld. bring some balance to the force. playing off the president's balanced approach. tonight, that's nowhere to be found, shep. >> shepard: the president's former opponent now weighing in on this mess. >> mitt romney, remember him? he gave his post election interview to chris wallace that's going to be on "fox news sunday." is he basically saying that while the president has been blaming republicans. he believes that the president never stopped campaigning. take a listen. >> what we have seen is the president out campaigning to the american people, doing rallies around the country, flying around the country and berating republicans and blaming and pointing. what does that do? that causes the republicans to retrench and put up a wall and to fight back there was one thing that both sides did agree on today. both speaker boehner and the president said they do not want to shut the government down when all government funding runs out on march 27th.
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what that means is that while they are going to continue to fight out these smaller cuts, they are agreeing they are going to keep the government open at the end of march and try to work out a broader budget deal. we will see, shep. >> shepard: yes, we will. ed henry at the white house tonight. the head of the irs says the spending cuts will not delay tax refunds. he says the agency will put off any furloughs until the summer after tax season. he will continue a hiring freeze and cutbacks in other areas. officials say you may have trouble getting through to the irs help line. could be longer waits as taxpayer assistance centers fill. our new defense secretary chuck hagel says these cuts will be painful. he says they will not threaten our national security. >> today, america has the best fighting force in the world. capable of responding to any challenge this unnecessary budget crisis makes that job much harder. but we will continue to
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ensure america's security. >> shepard: the spending cuts do not affly members of the military. officials say the army will cut back on training troops but not those headed to afghanistan. the blue angels say they have cancelled air shows because of spending cuts. now they have to cut off dozens more. the team is obviously not the navy's top priority. officials say grounding the blue angels will hurt cities that host the shows. one study estimates it could cost pensacola more than 2 million bucks. the cuts will also sideline the air force thunder birds. the spokeswoman says they will probably do a final flyover later this month at a nascar race in vegas. a sink hole that swallowed up a man and his entire bedroom is unstable and will likely grow. that's the words just moment ago from officials near tampa. a man there says he heard a loud crash last night and then a scream from his brother. when he ran to see what was wrong, he found a sink hole had opened inside his brother's home, right under
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his brother's room. >> he was top of his bed i didn't see anything else. i jumped in the hole and tried digging him out. i couldn't get him. all i could hear -- i thought i could hear him screaming for me and hollering for me to help him. i couldn't do nothing. >> shepard: i spoke with the man just hours ago and he told me he stayed in that hole. didn't want to leave. didn't want to give up. didn't want to abandon his brother down in there. >> i kept digging and kept digging and kept digging, and then while i was on the phone with 911, they kept telling me to get out of the hole. get out of the hole. get out of the hole i was in danger. i wasn't getting out of the hole until i could find my brother. i wasn't able to find my brother. i lost my brother. i lost my house. and i lost everything i have ever worked for in my life. i have nothing now. >> well, the sheriff's department has just released a 911 call that the man's wife made as he reached for his brother in that sink hole. is your
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>> yes, we need an ambulance stuck underneath the house. the house just fell through. >> and what happened to the house? >> the bedroom floor just collapsed and my brother-in-law is in there and he is underneath the house. >> shepard: a sheriff's deputy responding to that call had to pull the brother who was trying to help from the hole. crews on the scene say the one who was buried there is likely dead and the sink hole, they believe is still growing. sink holes are a big problem in florida. officials at the state department of environmental protection say there is is no place that's absolutely safe from them. but one opening up inside someone's bedroom? thankfully you don't hear that much. doug smith from our station wtvt my fox tampa bay with the news in hillsborough county tonight. doug, police have evacuated that whole area, huh? >> you are right, shep. they don't know. this ground is very unstable and they say that it's not safe for folks to be around. the house is right there. this is a live look right now. those are the workers that are boring down to figure out how big this hole is
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underneath the house. how wide it is. how deep it is. you can see they are wearing tether straps. that's how tense the situation is out here. a few minutes ago the media was briefed and we learned about the situation. >> i have been told by our outside experts that this site is extremely unstable. this is not your typical sink hole. this is a chasm that covers a great distance. they still have not been able to find the boundaries of the underground chasm. we are back life now. no signs on the outside of the sink hole. inside it continues to grow, shep. >> shepard: doug, the cops say they have given up on recovering the man buried in there, huh? yeah, it's no longer a rescue mission. it's a recovery mission. sink holes are common in florida. they come with the territory.
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sink hole injuries uncommon. sink hole deaths unheard of until today; shep. >> doug smith. a lot of folks made money in january. some of us saw our incomes take a hit. plus the wildfire threatening homes in southern california. you will see how the firefighters are trying to get this thing under control. that's from the journalists fox news on this friday fox report. try mail marketing from constantcontact. it's the fastest, easiest way to create great-looking custom e-mails that bring customers through your door. sign up for your free trial today at
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how much progress have they made out there, adam? >> they made some good progress, shepard. those winds that really stoked this fire late yesterday kind of died down a bit today but there is still wind warnings for a while to come. they say there is no more forward progress for the flames. they are saying 40% containment. 311 acres have burned. it was a close one, shepard. they did make good headway today to get a handle on this fire. >> shepard: that land burned and fast, adam. >> yeah, i mean it's stuff we see in the summertime. you might see these pictures in october or november when you have the santa ana winds come through here. temperatures in southern california 8 a degrees in the inland empire where this fire was an hour east of downtown l.a. winds 30 mile-per-hour gusting. dryest january and february on record in california. hopefully we have some rain come this way. if not, it's going to be a long fire season, shepard. >> shepard: i hope so. detroit is now officially in a financial emergency. that's the words from the michigan governor, rick snyder. it means detroit could soon
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be the biggest city in the nation to have the state take over its finances. the one-time industrial power house once the fourth largest city in america is now the america's must miserable city according to forbes magazine. it's more than $14 billion in debt and cannot afford to keep the streetlights on in some areas. by some estimates. 1/3 of the city is now abandoned. police say criminals are dumping bodies in empty homes detroit halls 10 days to appeal today's emergency declaration. then the governor says he will decide whether to appoint an emergency manage tore take over detroit's books. >> it's time to say we should stop going down hill. it is time to say we need to start moving upward with the city of detroit. >> shepard: union leaders say appointing an emergency manager could lead to more cuts in city services. local naacp leaders are also against the move saying democracy should not be taken from the city of detroit or any city in the state of michigan simply on
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the basis of economic distress. detroit may be in a financial mess and it certainly is. but michigan's big three automakers all had some big gains last month. ford led the way, 9% sales increases compared to february of 2012. general motors up 7%. the best february since 2008. chrysler up 4%. part of the reason here, analysts say an improving real estate market means many businesses are now buying new vehicles. the f.a.a. is now reportedly investigating some shakes on a plane. ♪ ♪ >> shepard: why might the feds have a problem with a bunch of college kids organizing an in-flight harlem shake? that's next. plus, the autopsy results are in for a lotto winner who reportedly died of poisoning after he hit the jackpot. i will give you a guess. ♪ [ male announcer ] how could switchgrass in argentina, change engineering in dubai,
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>> shepard: just into fox news channel that new evidence that move theater massacrist james holmes seeking insanity defense. filed a flurry of motions asking for clarification of the consequences of an insanity plea. holmes is scheduled to enter a plea on the 12th of this month. he is charged with multiple counts of first degree murder and attempted murdered in the arizona theater shooting last july that killed 12 and injured 70 others. a medical examiner in chicago has released the results of an autopsy on the lottery winner who died of cyanide poisoning. those results show pretty much nothing. in january, investigators dug up the winner's body after they found evidence that somebody poisoned him but today we learned the latest test revealed no new clues. the victim died just days before he was set to select more than $400,000 in
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winnings. police have identified no suspects in this death. leave it to the feds to try to ruin a dance party. the federal aviation administration is now reportedly investigating whether flight atevin dance broke the rules when they lead a bunch of college kids open a mile high club ♪ ♪ >> this happened on a flight from colorado to california. if you are unfamiliar with the inner webs. it's called the harlem shake. an online dance craze that's going viral for a month now. basically somebody starts dancing in the middle of a crowd that doesn't seem to be paying any attention. that person has to have a head dress. then suddenly they all join. in these there are thousands of these on your youtube. this particular one has the f.a.a. all hot and bothered it would appear and the agency reports it wants answers. trace gallagher is on this one. how exactly did this
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airplane dance party break out? well, a group of colorado college students, shep, members of the frisbee team. they said they walked up to the flight attendant and they said hey, can we do the harlem shake and the flight attendant said sure, why not? then they went around canvassing all the passengers and the passengers all agreed as you see here what began as a one-person harlem shake began a group shake. this thing went on for quite a while now. frontier airlines says the f.a.a. is investigating so they won't comment. but they said that all safety measures were, in fact, followed. the seat belt sign was off. the f.a.a. says they really haven't launched an official investigation they are simply looking into this matter and if they find more things to look into then they will further investigate, this shep. >> shepard: won't they? everybody is doing this. i'm reading they are doing it in egypt, even. the protest in egypt has been going on for the better part of two years. this time they are protesting the muslim
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brotherhood and what they call human rights abuses. and instead of blood shed, they say there has been plenty of that. now, as you see there, they have got the head dresses on and they are doing their own version of the harlem shake, hoping they can kind of create some political change through sarcasm. not blood shed. so far no push back at awesome the security guards at the muslim brotherhood headquarters say they can express themselves any way they please. shep? >> shepard: trace gallagher live tonight. thanks. our leaders in washington, they are already looking ahead to their next self-inflicted budget battle. a live look at the capitol where lawmakers face another deadline in another showdown. plus -- [screams] >> shepard: wait until you see what happens when a bus driver passes out behind the wheel. that's coming up as we approach the bottom of the hour and the top of the news tonight. living with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis
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side of the road. nobody got hurt. but the driver who passed out did go to the hospital for some tests. at least nine people are dead tonight and several more missing after a floating restaurant sank one of the world's most famous rivers. that tops our news around the world in 80 seconds. iraq. the vessel reportedly broke free from its boring on the tigris river in baghdad. police say the roughly 120 people on board exceeded capacity and that the boat sank when most of those folks gathered on illustrates right side. crews rescued dozens of people as divers searched for survivors. peru. torrential rains triggered landslides, stranding locals and tourists in the southeast. heavy rocks, mud and trees blocked roads as rivers burst their banks. raging waters swept away two bridges to the ancient inca site.
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italy. mount etna spewing molten rock and thick smoke on to the island of sicily. europe's most active volcano reportedly erupting from a new crater. etna usually poses no threat to locals though it does shower ash on nearby villages. brazil a sneak peek at a new art museum on the harbor in rio de janeiro. part of a multibillion-dollar frontal to reurban nice the city before it hosts the 2014 world cup and 2016 olympics. many of the museum's works focus on rio itself like this depiction of the city's famed shanty towns. the official public opening is set for tuesday and that's a wrap on this fox trip around the world in 80 seconds. i'm shepard smith. this is the fox report. it's the bottom of the hour. time for the top of the news. big hit to the average
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americans' wallet. commerce department reports personal income fell just by more than 3.5% in january. the last time folks suffered a month-to-month drop that steep was 1993. 20 years ago. now, this comes after a solid 2.6% rise in december. when analysts say a lot of companies rushed to pay off dividends and hand out bonuses ahead of the tax hikes that came in january. the fox business network's gerri willis is with us. how did people handle this decline? it looks like they spent. >> not well. they are spending more money and saving less. savings rate went from 2.4% to 6% before. that's a big move. 6.4% is not too much to save. want to retire some day. the kids have got to go to college. i feel like we are having an argument on tv. >> shepard: no. we are not arguing. income was down. but people spent more. >> yeah, two tenths of a percent. spending was up. here is what they are spending on, shep, which is what i think is important.
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they are spending on gas. home heating oil. the things you have to spend for. not on big ticket items. not on a car. so, at the end of the day, it's not the kind of spending you want to z. >> shepard: right. the markets are crazy. >> markets are crazy. >> shepard: we are near all-time highs. >> like the markets never heard of sequestration. >> shepard: markets are making tons of money. >> all except j.p. penny which had worst quarter ever for retail company. just reported. fascinating because we have seen improvements elsewhere. >> shepard: they tried to modernize. >> they brought in that fellow from apple who was so good at laying out stores. when it came to j.p. stores his ideas didn't work so well. he wanted to get rid of sales. j.p. customers want sales. >> target beating penney by a long shot. have a great weekend. >> you as well. >> shepard: those spending cuts that gerri is talking
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about and everybody is calling dumb and stupid and ridiculous and only washington could do it. they kick in a few hours. lawmakers are already in the middle of a another spending showdown that could lead to government shutdown but probably won't. they claim they're are also working on a way out of the mess they failed to clean up today. carl cameron is in washington. failure the word for, well, the city. >> well, here is the thing, shep, nobody disputes the need for spending cuts. but everybody objects to the arbitrary nature of making them across the board. house budget committee chairman paul ryan has worked out what he says is a deal with some democrats to first give the pentagon and the v.a. some flexibility to target their cuts for greater effectiveness and some less pain. watch. >> we have already gotten an agreement with the democrats on how to fund the pentagon and other military-based agencies like veterans. we're going to pass that next week which gives us the flexibility to put these cuts in place in a better way, to go after waste, fraud and abuse. to go after low priority spending instead of high priority spending. >> republicans are talking about giving that same
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flexibility to most if not all of the departments, meaning tens of thousands of work furloughs scheduled at the end of march may not be so necessary. on march 27th the government shutdown is looming. if lawmakers can't agree on a trillion-dollar stop gap measure to fund the government until the end of the fiscal year, there is another government shutdown. in that congress knows still more fixes to the automatic spending cuts can be included. well, that's why when they left last night for the weekend, they knew the sky wasn't going to fall, shep. >> shepard: they get a three day weekend. we used to hear about a grand bargain, talk of that. have they given up? >> well, we have got this whole sequence of ongoing budget battles that loom that go past the continuing resolution which is the government shutdown on the 27th. as the debt ceiling coming after that the president was supposed to propose his budget, almost seven weeks ago. is he late again, later than he has been in the last four years. and as a consequence, the whole process is delayed. paul ryan is going to come up with his own budget plan in two weeks and not wait for the president. democrats this year, unlike in years past have promised
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they will come up with their own budget process. it's broke at the beginning. end one train wrecks at the end. that's what we have been dealing with. grand bargain not so much. >> shepard: carl cameron on capitol hill, thanks. a senior member of the college of cardinals sent out formal invitations to those who will choose the next pope. the cardinals' first meeting is scheduled for this monday and then they are expected to set a date to begin their official conclave during that, they will select the next leader of the catholic church. now, one possible candidate for pope, possible, is new york's timothy cardinal dolland. although he said he has a better shot of playing for the yankees. our amy kellogg asked cardinal dolland about what we can expect once the conclave begins. >> we're always open to the dramatic. we are always open to the radical. and usually with hind sight with the 20/20 vision that hindsight provides you say wow that was all part of god's plan like remember back in 1978 when john paul
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the 1st died 33 days. then second dramatic. now is the holy spirit going to do something perhaps a bit more unexpected? could be. >> shepard: 115 cardinals are expected to take part in the vote to determine who will replace the former pope benedict the xvith. out de facto ambassador to north korea returns to the united states and heaps praise on the dictator kim jong il. dennis rodman calls the repressive leader awesome, says he loves him. we will hear from the basketball great who has had more contact with the north korean leader than any american anywhere. but, first, sad news from the entertainment world. the pioneering sitcom actress bonnie franklin has died. she was born in california, got into show biz at an early age. appeared in '60s show gijt and the monday centers. bonnie franklin was best known in starring role sitcom one day at a time
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during which she broke ground playing a divorced mother trying to raise two teenaged girls. >> mothers have certain inalienable rights, the right to nag, to interfere, to lay on guilt. >> make me wear clean underwear in case you get in an accident? >> that's right. >> shepard: recently franklin guest starred on the tv land comedy hot in cleveland and over her career she was nominated for a tony, an emmy and golden globe. a family friend says she died of complications from cancer. ♪ this is it. >> shepard: bonnie franklin was 69 ♪ to go and have a ball ♪ this is it ♪ this is it ♪ straight ahead ♪ and rest assured you can't be sure at all ♪ so keep on doing what you do ♪ hold on tight ♪ we'll muddle through one day at a time. i'm up next, but now i'm sging the heartburn blues.
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>> shepard: he's an awesome kid that's how former nba star dennis rodman describes the dictator who starves his own people. rodman who once wore a wedding dress to promote his own book was in north korea this past week with the harlem globe to reporters. while there he and kim jong il bonded at game and had an epic feast before leaving the oppressive nuclear nation today he told the world very honest and proud man. he loves him. the chief fox report correspondent jonathan hunt. it is sort of astounding that dennis rodman has more contact with this nuclear leader than anyone else in our country. >> it is astounding and clearly they are, at least in dennis rodman's eyes b.f.f.'s right now. the court side chemistry was on display for all to sees a they watched members of the harlem grown trotters play along north korea's best basketball players. we have known for some time, of course, that kim the younger is a huge fan
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obsessed with american basketball stars. now we know that at least one of those former basketball stars is obsessed with north korean dictators. listen. >> he is an awesome kid. is he an awesome guy. one thing about -- no one man can do anything. not one man. and the one thing, he is proud. his country like him. not like him, love him. love him. guess what? i love him. i guy is awesome. >> awesome. it's important to point out that we have no evidence whatsoever that dennis rodman was anything other than entirely sober during this whole trip. >> shepard: lil kim there. i should call him kim the younger. lil kim is taken. some sort of better relations with us? >> yes, indeed.
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because nothing says diplomatic break through like a dictator and karma electra's former husband watching a dolphin show. yes, that actually happened. not surprisingly, perhaps, the state department does not appear to be falling over itself to get mr. rodman's insight. listen. >> their policy long has been that there are americans who have been to north korea and want to talk to us and discuss their travel when they want to come back, they take their call, we are willing to listen to them but we haven't been in touch with this traveling party at any point along in the process. they haven't been in touch with us. >> so how awesome is kim the younger toward his people. average north korean makes something like $1,800 every year. dennis rodman made 30 million in salary during his tenure nba career. so there we have it. dennis rodman divorced from carmen electra now also officially divorced from reality.
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>> shepard: jonathan, thanks. rodman's visit to north korea certainly shocked people but so did his beverage of choice while there. you can see what looks like a coca cola in front of rodman. that's caused a bit of a stir since the company is not allowed to do business in north korea. coke officials have responded to the soda mystery in the statement they tell us coca cola does not currently do business in north korea. any products sold in the market have been purchased by third parties not authorized by coca cola company and imported into the country from other markets where they are sold. of course, we can't know for sure but it's always possible that rodman's entourage flew in on a private jet and brought its own soft drink. since you can take liquids on private planes. a ton of supplies for the international space station ran into trouble shortly after liftoff today. >> and off of the falcon rocket and dragon. mission to resupply the international space station. >> shepard: the private company space x conducted its third launch of a
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dragon capsule to the international space station this morning. nine minutes into said launch, dragon had trouble with its thrusters. that delayed the release of the solar panels by a couple of hours and now the earliest the supplies could arrive at the station is sunday, a full day late. officials say they are sending supplies to the space station on unmanned flights. space x could start up a replacement to the retired the company blamed a faulty fuel valve for the thruster problem. currently six people on board the space station. three american astronauts and two russians and a canadian don't you know. astronomers have captured what they now believe is the first ever direct image of a planet forming. this is it. in a solar system apart from this one. scientists say the object appears to be in the early stages of a gas giant like jupiter forming from the disk material around the thing. they say it could tell us a
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lot about how planets are born because until now researches had to study planet for immigration with computer simulations. long awaited report enenvironmental impact on the keystone pipeline. next, we will tell you and show you whether it's good news for supporters or opponents of the project. plus, the top-ranked golfer on the planet walked away from a tournament right in the middle of a round. we'll tell you what he blamed and we'll tell you what his score was at the time coming right up. 4g, huh? verizon 4g lte. 700 megahertz spectrum, end-to-end, pure lte build. moe most consistent speeds indoors or out. and, obviously, astonishing throughput. obviously... you know how fast our home wifi is? yeah. this is basically just as fast. oh. and verizon's got more fast lte coverage than all other networks combined. oh, why didn't you just say that?
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shep the feds were out with a report that was supposed to tell us whether they are closer to approving the keystone pipeline. environmentalists group.
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increase oil supply and great a bunch of jobs. analysts say today's report seems to have something for both sides. doug mckelway in washington. doug? >> shep, a little something for both sides to get angry at. that seems to be one much the consensuses. the draft statement is pretty much noncommittal. >> it does call out where there could be impacts. it does call out what mitigation efforts could be, but it really has no recommendations one way or the other. >> one critic suggests the draft study erects another road block. >> the news here for the layperson is that they get a chance to see again the unconscionable delay in proceeding with this pipeline and the fact that this delay probably portends a bad decision in the future or else go ahead and make it right now. they would have made it a year ago. >> today's release was welcomed by the canadian company transcanada which is building the pipeline. they called it an important step towards receiving a presidential permit. it comes after almost four long years of effort by
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transcanada to link canadian oil sands to proposed pipeline traversing the canadian border to texas oil refineries. the pipeline would create thousands of jobs and help wean us from middle east oil it has been a lightning rod of environmental opposition. in fact, the sierra club late today called that deeply flawed analysis that gives lip service to climate disruption while north korea republican senator john who he -- hoban there is no excuse to postpone a decision any further. shep? >> shepard: president obama called the russian president vladimir putin to discuss iran's nuclear program and the syrian civil war. rush ha is one of syria's biggest weapon suppliers and strongest allies, and russia has stood in the way of several united nations attempts to put serious pressure on the syrian government. today the russian counter part welcomed new discussions on political transition in syria. another sign that russia's bond is fraying amid a civil war that killed an
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estimated 70,000 men, women and children. the two leaders we are told discussed new efforts to confront iran's nuclear ambitions. they agreed to hold their own meeting in june on the sidelines of a meeting of leading industrial nations in northern ireland. tons of twisted steel-toed blasted into a river in west virginia. >> there it goes. [explosion] >> shepard: crews imploded one side of that 79-year-old bridge that used to connect two towns in the western part of the state. construction workers had started ripping it down early this month before resorting to explosives. a new bridge will replace it we're told. the other half of the old one set for implosion next week. controversy today for one ever the world's top golfers in fact the top. withdrew in the middle of a round. rory mcilroy seven over par. he told reporters he wasn't in a good place mentally. later he blamed it on a toothache and said, quote,
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i have been suffering with a sore wisdom tooth which is due to come out in the near future. but there is words folks later saw him munching on a sandwich at the 18th hole. pga holes prohibit from withdrawing. injury, disability or serious personal emergency. 7 over is not on the list. with the masters a month away. mcilroy has played only four rounds this year. faced criticism last month when he dumped his club maker titlist with a lucrative deal with nike. adding insult to injury, his girlfriend the tennis star caroline wizard of wizard. mating season for one of the country's only pair of giant pandas. zoo keepers are scrambling to get them to get after it. pandas are not known to be very am dches norus. workers are pulling out all
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stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. >> shepard: zoo keepers have enlisted a secret weapon to help a couple of pandas get it on. only pandas in britain. female fertile. the workers have been doing all kinds of stuff trying to get things going making a love nest for the couple. now they have turned to music ♪ really get down. >> shepard: folks at the zoo in scotland playing marvin gay and other classics to the panda pen. so far it hasn't worked. updating some of fox top story tonight. officials in tampa say the sink hole that swallowed a man in his bedroom while he was sleeping is seriously unstable and may be growing. the feds report american
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incomes dropped by 3.6% last month. the biggest dip in two decades. followed a big income surge in december. and the president is just about to sign off on the sequester after republicans and democrats failed to reach a deal to prevent the budget crisis that they created. trace gallagher has this. hello, trace. >> you heard the president today that many americans may not feel the sequester cuts today maybe weeks or months. if there is to be an impact it would likely happen at the nation's airports that's because that's where millions of americans come in contact with the federal government every single day. the f.a.a. says they would have to furlough he air traffic control agents at least once or twice a month which means that control towers in some small and medium size airports might have some short hours. would not be fully operational so as not to sacrifice safety. they would then cut flights. they are not closing towers at major airports. the same furloughs would also happen with


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